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The Penultimate Weekday!

December 7, 2012

Alright, so what happened today? First, I woke up a bit late and got down for Physics. There wasn’t much work today as we just took time answering more practice questions in preparation for our exam next week. After Physics, I went back to my room before coming down to Chemistry. In Chemistry, we spent the vast majority of the class practicing lighting a Bunsen burner. I am sad to say that I didn’t know how to do so before today, but I am glad that I do now how to light it (in two ways too!). After demonstrating my competency with the Bunsen burner, I learned about redox-reactions for about 10 minutes before heading off to my next class. In Spanish, John mainly checked everyone’s notebooks before giving us the material to review for the exam.

Ahh, so my day was basically over at this point. I had a free code, but Shobhit came over to my room to get his journal, and we ended up playing a chess game that last for an hour (and I sadly lost the game 😦 ). Anyways, I went to Math and we just went over some questions that people had. So that’s it for the school-day.

After classes, I went to Wilderness, and we merely filled out a reflection form on the Wilderness experience for the first semester. In retrospect, I did feel like I learned a lot about the procedure for taking care of the injured in both the front-country and the back-country. In any situation that arises in the future, I will be able to help at a moment’s notice because of this training, and that is something I am glad for: another way to help others.

When Wilderness ended, I went to visit some people in Chum before heading to my room and working on math for the remainder of the time before 7 P.M. Because I have not been getting a lot of exercise recently, I decided to go to the Basketball OPA, which wasn’t that bad. Although it seems like the drills are the same everytime, the activity is still very fun and I hope to continue going next semester. One thing that I have to mention is that I did sprain my ankle while going down to the fieldhouse, and I have no idea if I’m going to be playing the first year/second year basketball game tomorrow. Anyhow, I later played with Orhun, Shobhit, Uhunoma, Otto W, and YeDan for a bit after check. After most of the people left, I played with YeDan and then with Jenish until I went back upstairs to do Math for the rest of the day. Anyhow, I need to get sleep, so hasta luego. 😀

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